Sunday 29 December 2013

Photography shop

Final Proposal - Photography shop

The proposal is to set up a Photography shop within York with the mindset of achieving part of “Reinvigorate York” mission objectives. The shop will primarily a headquarters where photographic tours can be run. This will be service design and emphasise on providing exceptional customer feedback.

Using a photowalk, a guide is able to lead groups into different areas of York, especially where there is currently very little footfall. Instead of shopping, there may be photo opportunities in these empty streets, where business is failing. The group may be there to take photographs, but they are given opportunities to sight-see the area. They may come back another time to visit the same streets/shops. I think this would diversify the footfall in York, helping to achieve: “Reinvigorating the city centre economy”, “Increasing footfall in the city centre” and “Maintaining York as a top tourist destination”.

As for the other objective: “Increasing the sense of York as a special place”. The photo tour will be encouraging a lot of looking. Looking at York in a different perspective. Often people walk past hundreds of things everyday without realising or appreciating it. The task of photographing something interesting, intriguing, unique or inspiring will make York special. Special to the photographer as they will be experiencing it and capturing York through their camera.

The final objective: “Improving the overall quality of life for resident” This proposal really only helps the residents by providing a photographic service. At the moment, there is only one photographic shop in York. These shops are a dying breed; York Camera Mart, mainly deals with camera equipment sales. They provide advice and is a great place to get assistance on anything camera related. However, this proposal will be an educational experience and service. There will be a public gallery space able to be rented out, a computer room for anyone wanting to process their photos, and of course the tour. There is no such thing in York at the moment, and this will bring together any residents who may be into photography.

The shop will consist of a public computer room, a gallery space and an area for merchandise. The shop caters to keen photographers, and hope to bring a gentle and fun learning experience in all areas of photography. The computer room is for workshops in processing your photos, and also a base to run the brand's website. The gallery space is there to promote individual photographers and really display photographs appriopriately. Ideally, there would be a print shop running too, but for a smaller business, I have decided to uses local print services. Most importantly, the shop should be able to provide good, simple advice, and secondly accomodate processing digital to displaying complete photographs. The shop will become a social hub.

The photography tour is aimed at visitors who are keen photographers, and will enjoy company other visitors sharing the same hobby. It is a change from travelling to a city you haven't been before. There may be foreign visitors on the tour, or local residents. Either way, the experience should be different and new each time.

Thanks to all who inspired me, and helped me on this journey through the complex world of photography.  Also, a special mention to Johnny Pang for lending me his equipment and also being patient.  The following are Jacky lee, James Pang, Kai Man Wong, Trey Ratcliff, Lok Cheung and my older borther Wai Lun Pang.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No Ansel Adams? tut tut !