Friday 27 September 2013

City of York!

To find out what York is like we went into York to discover more about what makes York a great tourist city as well as any issues. Being a resident, I am used to the city centre and may be quite oblivious to things others may see. Going into the city this time, I tried to approach with fresh eyes and mind.   Observing the people, the buildings and characters in the environment.  Taking my camera, here are some pictures:

If you have been to York and found it wonderful, exciting or even have a complaint. I will be meeting a representative of the York Council and be able to voice any issues. Tell us your experiences in York and leave a comment below!

If you are resident, please help me by filling in this survey:

For non residents, a survey will be published soon!

Ghost Walks in York!

School Trip from nearby schools!

Peter enjoying a tea at Nick's Kitchen 

City's sightseeing Bus outside the Art Gallery

Friendly resident's walking their dogs! :)

Great day! Pigeons in Museum Gardens.

Street vendor, pedal powered! 

Classical violinist.

York's food festival selling Hog Roast

Winnie's local conserve and artistic Mugs

Friendly trader - Innovative rapeseed oil products

Cookie heaven!

Market man's wisdom.

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