Wednesday 25 September 2013

Introduction to Project

Relaxing on flight to Hong Kong (2012)

Hello there,

My name is Wai Pang and 'Reinvigorate york' is a project to try “improve the public open spaces and movement” in the city centre of York. This project is tasked to us design students at York St. John, and at the end of this, we will be presenting our proposals to development officer, Derek Gauld. Here are the 5 objectives that this project is trying to achieve:

Reinvigorating the city centre economy.
Increasing footfall in the city centre.
Improving the overall quality of life for residents.
Increasing the sense of York as a special place.
Maintaining York as a top tourist destination

Being a resident of this city, it is very exciting to be part of this project because this project could maybe help bring a change to York as a city. But also because I will have a chance to express voices that are otherwise unheard from the city, to the city council. This could be of any issues , good or bad to be brought up, and devise ways to improve, assist, or remove them appriopriately. Using the discover, define, develop and deliver workflow, I hope to achieve the objetctives above to make York a more pleseant place for everyone. This project will last one semester, and this blog will hopefully document my journey through it.

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