Friday 18 October 2013

Site survey - Fossgate continued

Location, location, location

The other big issue I found about this street is that actually not the street at all. It is the location of this street. Access to this street is rare because, as a visitor from Parliament Street, Shambles and Colliergate, there is nothing to attract you into this street. Stonebow really is an eyesore due to a grey mass to deter you from this area, and is not really helped by Jobcentres, betting shops and 'to let' signs plastered on it.

Map of Parliament st. and Fossgate area.

If you walk from the shambles into Stonebow, you look left and see a large unappealing grey building; a 1950’s piece of architecture. It is so dull and uninteresting that you wouldn’t want to go to that direction, and because there are no other visual cues or interests, people would not even wander in that direction. Fossgate is in this direction. Look right however, you see a Victorian black and white timber structure, a lovely white stone Marks and Spencer, and then a pointed church in the distant. Also, the buzzing number of people in this direction is clearly visible and audible because Parliament street is in that direction.

From Parliament street, there is a lot more footfall turning right, which is tempting for a tourist. You want to see where the main attractions are, so you follow the crowd. Therefore most people tend to do up High Ousegate or Coppergate. However, if you do end up going left towards Fossgate. You pass the Shambles, which is always buzzing with people. Many people will explore up here. If you don’t, and continue up the street, you reach Colliergate to your left. From here, the choices for a visitor now become three: An open, welcoming street up colliergate, an ugly grey apartment-looking building down Stonebow, or a small alley to the right (Fossgate). Colliergate is clearly the winner here because it is clearly pedestrian friendly: There are tree shrubs, bike racks and wide open pavements.

Lastly, walking from Colliergate to Stonebow, Fossgate is directly opposite. It is right in your face, but the entrance is not very appealing at all. It just looks like any other ordinary side street, there is no crossing to get to the other side, there are no signs pointing to it. To the left is the ugly, grey building again, so the only option if right, back towards Shambles and Parliament Street.

Stonegate House, a visitor deterrent.

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