Sunday 13 October 2013

York Press continued...

This article by Mark Stead tells that the first week of the Bridge closure has been quite frankly, a battle of two sides: the council and everyone else. There is clearly a lot of opposition against the council: Chris Steward and Coun Ann Reid. The council faced accusations of being incompetant.

However, the article does give Darren Richardson's and coun Dave Merrett's views also; backing the council. They say that the it was not entrapment as many claimed, and not a money making tactic. And finally, the signage was done in accordance to the rules and regulations with the Department of Transport manual.

Here, Coun Tracey Simpson-Laing speaks for the York council to explain the lendal bridge closure and to answer the claims over this “scandal”. Also, in the “I will not return” letter from a visitor expresses his outrage of being fined in the city. He is clearly not happy and was unaware of the closure. He also accuses the council of using this as a “money-making scheme”.

Again, this seems like a failure of communication or inadequate signage issue. There seems to be a trend where many are unaware of the closure, or ignorant of the project's intentions.

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