Monday 7 October 2013

The Mystery of Newgate Market

After the first fresh look into York for this project, I was surprised at the broad range of views expressed. I began to look at Newgate market. After all, it’s been here for as long as I remember and also that it never was a particularly appealing place for me as a child, to even now. There is always the fruit and veg stalls, and traders selling mobile phone accessories. Then there's the shop selling posters on the floor. They haven't changed much. It never seems to be busy yet it is surrounded by York's the most vibrant and popular streets: Parliament street and Shambles. It is a mystery to me why Newgate Market is such a dull and boring. It has never been an event or place to go to, but generally, I end up using it as shortcut. The traders don't interest me, as do aesthetics of the environment there. What is going on here?

What sparked my interest was a conversation with the burger shop; I knew it had been there for many years and I generally haven't bought from him for a long time. Even so, I approached him and we spoke for a while. I explained that I was working on a project for University and that my aim's was to gain an understanding of the area. What it is like? How is business? Does he enjoy it here? Etc. I was actually expecting him to say that business is alright, considering he has been there for a good number of years and I do tend to see people queue up at his shop. I asked him how he was and how his day had been; His reply was “ Well, it's not been very good actually”. What else could I say except enquire a bit more? There was clearly something amiss.

I didn't record the conversation, but it was clear he had several issues about the current York. Firstly, his business is not doing so well, due to recession making prices high as well as footfall in the Newgate Market. He clearly points out that the council often hires out Parliament street to international, and also regional traders; That is causing a lot of his business to go away. He thinks that the council are happy to rent out the premium spaces on Parliament street at premium rates to cash in on tourists. The situation was clear; the food festival occurring beside the market is much more appealing, and therefore visitors and residents are spending there, and not at his shop.

He also had view on that the council are not looking after his livelihood and are more concerned with generating income from the events in parliament street. Even though, they are premium rates, and he pays a lot less. It's the amount of trade which is diverted so drastically, which frustrates him. His view on the Lendal bridge closure was that he had no idea about this scheme until a few weeks prior to the trial closure.

To be continued...

If you have any stories of Newgate Market, please tell us in the comments below...
we would love to hear about your experiences.

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