Monday 18 November 2013

Development Introduction

3PD006 - Service and systems design
Development Learning Journal –


This journal is a continuation from the Research Learning Journal; carrying on from discoveries to bring ideas and concepts into more well-defined solutions in the City of York. From the research taken place in the last 4-5 weeks, I have summarised key issues from residents, as well as tourists and even some of my own observations. Although many problems have been highlighted in the research, I feel that not all of them is suitable for this project scope; time, money, expertise are scarce. The issues highlighted in my presentation shows that there are some big obstacles when trying to relocate Network Rail HQ and also the redirecting of buses past the new council offices. As for the Art Gallery rear, the highly sensitive nature of the site and the proposal for a car park is really confusing and also ‘culturally degrading’. Hopefully, this journal will produce some worthwhile solutions to issues within York, keeping an eye on the project aims:

  • Reinvigorating the city centre economy.
  • Increasing footfall in the city centre.
  • Improving the overall quality of life for residents.
  • Increasing the sense of York as a special place.
  • Maintaining York as a top tourist destination

Streets are not clean and tidy
Bootham Bar
Railway station
Bins overflowing
Central fountain is unappealing
Waste of money and space
Never in use
Newgate market is not attractive
Bins outside entrance
Difficult to see sign
Signs are confusing
Too many signs
Don’t direct people well
Makes the street cluttered
Residents feel neglected by council
Little improvement for residents
More improvements for visitors
Poor communication of city changes
Very little public consultations
Overpriced parking charges

Traders in Newgate market felt neglected by the council
Council doesn’t help them
Council pushing more Parliament St. market
Parliament Street ‘robbing’ local market’s footfall
Traders want more footfall
Lendal bridge’s closure confusing to visitors
Good implementation is required
Worry that council’s plans are aimed ONLY to improve visitor’s experience.
Council's priorities

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