Monday 18 November 2013

Initial concepts

Bus Station

For this concept, I have had a thought about how to remove congestion from the York Railway front. There is a lot of traffic during the morning and rush hour; so much that people just dropping off passengers at the train station have to wait 30 minutes to get back out afterwards. This is not helped by there being a lot of buses all along this corridor up to St Leonard's place.

I propose a Bus station to re-route the bus traffic into Micklegate Bar and then having a bus station inside the city walls opposite the railway station. I think this is an ideal location as the road is parallel to the station, as well as being closer to Micklegate. This location hopes to encourage passengers to walk down Micklegate into the city centre. This location is interesting as it also has some access under Queen St. bridge to the current station car park. This can be adapted to give walkways to and from the Bus station and Railway station. Another interesting point is that this allows easy access onto the city walls, where you will be able to see both stations.

Grey = York Railway Station
Orange line = congested route
Dotted orange line = Bus route
Black line = City Walls
Red = Queen St. bridge
Aqua = Station carpark

Dark blue = Micklegate

Art Gallery rear

This concept idea utilises a large unused space close to the city centre. The space behind the Art Gallery is unseen by the ruin walls, and currently derelict. The space runs parrellel to Bootham and there is an entrance into the space from Marygate. I think this space could be utilised to encourage footfall into Exhibition Square (front of Art Gallery) and also to provide a comfortable corridor for pedestrians travelling into the City Centre.

I feel that the space is suitable for an area for relaxing and also a garden. It should provide a area of rest and maybe an area for drop-off, or parking for disabled. Marygate carpark is already large enough and able visitors will not find the climb too difficult. However, wheelchair-stricken users will find it tough to climb. Therefore parking for disabled will be much appreciated. Next, because there is now a pleasant cafe and activity, it should help create an environment where people spend more time. Therefore, it's become a destination for which Exhibition Square will become a pathway to and from the city centre. There is sufficient space beside the gallery to allow a wide walkway to the front of the gallery, where I hope there will be attractions and a lovely view of the Minster, Bootham bar and the De Greys Room. There should be no stopped vehicle traffic at the red area.

Orange line = Major road
Black line = City wall
Light blue = Space
Black spot = Exhibition square
Red = Art Gallery
Dotted black line = Pedestrian route

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