Monday 4 November 2013


Opening to presentation

Presentation preparation

Presenting to tutors in preparation for next week. This presentation will help provide feedback into the research I have done so far and also to give some initial proposals in which a solution may be effective against the issues highlighted. The presentation will be roughly six slides and we have been given ten minutes presenting time, and another ten minutes for feedback. For my presentation, Simon P. and Duncan B. were there to give me feedback. Overall, I think content wise, it was good, but the execution was only so-so. Getting through the issues and explaining some of the photos is really good to engage the audience; “Here is the bins outside the entrance to Newgate market.” etc. The presentation also is quick, to the point and also not repeating too much of what other students had to say too. Getting into the solutions is much more interesting for the tutors and I guess will also be for the Derek Gauld and Guy Hanson. Simon and Duncan spent a considerable amount of time understanding the proposals, so I think more time needs to be spent on clarifying it. Here is what they had to say:

  • Beginning was good
  • The contrast of view is good
  • Identified many issues and got into the project
  • Duncan liked quotes and interaction with public
  • Proposals are too huge; too much for this
  • Walk around the railway station to get a better understanding of the area.
  • Work on something small, but do it very well
  • Focus on one issue and try to find solutions; Bootham/Gillygate junction
  • Duncan suggested a clean-up campaign, dressing up brightly and in a group to make littering more aware and interacting with the public.

Presentation Day 29th October

Presentation time took place from around 10:55 to 11:10. It was in the Attic Seminar room with Warren, Duncan and Simon in the room. Derek and Jessica was at the front of the room and the main audience. Overall, it felt very quick and I struggled to get through the first few slides with as little speech as I could. It may have not seemed coherent, but I guessed it would have been ok as many of the issues are very visual. I spent some time talking about the initial concepts, but quickly moved onto the new and most recent ideas; mirrors and navigation through the streets of York. Much of the solutions initially became largely city planning, but I brought up a service and also much simpler and cheaper alternative to improve York. I spent much longer to explain this concept and generally, I felt they really understood my ideas. I was surprised I didn't falter too much and kept up swiftly. Learnt that visual cues are definitely better for my own presentations as the flow and journey through it is more to my way of thinking.

Derek Gauld and Jessica – Feedback

Both Derek and Jessica liked the last idea much more than the others. Jessica said it was 'original' and felt that it could work within the snickets around York. Derek did say that glimpses do play a role and that it is very interesting. Also, that the safety element as well as being a educational activity is good. I don't remember much of what else they said so much, it happened rather quick. In hindsight, maybe an audio recording could be beneficial for me. When in the moment, it's a lot of information and conversation exchanges that happen, which I cannot take in.

Inital proposed concepts/solutions

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